4 Steps to Get the Right eCommerce SEO Keywords

The development of the times makes more and more ecommerce present in the midst of society. Coupled with technological advances that can be absorbed easily by every society. Finally, the principle of supply and demand can be implemented well in Indonesia. This condition is certainly good, especially for the Indonesian economy. This means that the economy continues to spin for the better. For eCommerce owners, they are certainly happy with the current conditions. But competition has also become tighter. Finally, the use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies is one of the best solutions. In eCommerce SEO, you need to find the right keywords. There are several steps you can take in getting the right eCommerce SEO keywords as explained below for you.

Pay attention to Search Volume

In searching for the right eCommerce SEO keywords, you must pay attention to how the search volume is in each keyword. On the internet, there are a variety of keyword search tools, such as Ubersuggest, Google Trend, to keywordtool.io. When you search for keywords there, a search volume will appear.

The higher the search volume, the more people search. But in terms of competition it is also getting tougher. You should be more realistic in choosing which keywords you want to optimize. eCommerce SEO keywords require the right selection, especially related to products.

See Difficulty Ranking

Next you need to look at the difficulty ranking. For new websites, you should look for ranking difficulties that are relatively low because in terms of intense competition, new websites become difficult to compete at the top level. Over time, then you can increase the level of difficulty ranking.

This point must be kept in mind because unfortunately, many websites choose high difficulty ranking even though they have not been able to compete there.

Pay attention to the relevance of keywords

No matter how big the search volume available for the keywords you want to use, don’t forget about relevance. Many people pay attention only to search volume without thinking too much about relevance. With the intention of selling products that are on the website, you definitely want keywords that match the product, right?

Therefore, also note the relevance of keywords. With proper and appropriate relevance, optimization through keywords can be optimized. Don’t just focus on search volume without thinking about relevance. That step must be avoided as soon as possible.

Decide which page you want to optimize

On eCommerce websites, there are certainly a lot of products offered. This is also directly proportional to the number of pages from the website. To get more leverage in optimizing ECommerce SEO keywords, the homepage and product pages should be a top priority, compared to other pages.

Play keywords as best you can on these pages. But don’t forget also for category page optimization, article posting on blogs, to alt tags images in order to get maximum results. Surely this step makes the page easier for people to search for.

Those are the four steps to getting the right eCommerce SEO keywords. You can follow these four steps in order to optimize your eCommerce website more optimally.

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ericanfly is ready to help you. Please visit https://www.ecommerceseo.com.my/ or whatsapp 012-696 3011 for FREE SEO Consultation.